Study Mobility (Outgoing)

OUTGOING STUDENT MOBILITY (Study at partner university) 

This type of mobility enables students at higher education institutions to spend an integrated period of study of between 3 months and 12 months in another country participating in the program.

 Freshmen-year undergraduate students can apply with a minimum grade of high school diploma if they do not have an undergraduate transcript (75/100). Students with transcripts cannot use the high school diploma grade.  Applications are received regularly for the following academic year and this means that a 1st-year student accepted for Erasmus+ attends the university abroad (host university) in his/her second year in either Fall or Spring Semester.

Participating in the Erasmus program does not mean the student is transferring to another university. Students can participate in the Erasmus program for a maximum of one academic year. Students must return to home institution (Üsküdar University) at the end of the Erasmus period and complete their program at Üsküdar University.

Students who participate in the Erasmus+ Program continue to pay tuition fees at home institution (Üsküdar University) but are exempted from tuition at the host university where they spend their semester/year abroad. Furthermore, students continue to receive scholarships, grants, and loans as if they are in Türkiye. Besides, they are eligible for the Erasmus student mobility grant provided by the European Commission through the Turkish National Agency. However, it should be taken into consideration that all other expenses including travel expenses between Türkiye and the host country, living expenses including accommodation, etc. belong to the student. Students are also given the chance to participate in the Erasmus program without receiving any grant, that is, through their financial means.



Your first step in applying to take part in Erasmus+ will be to contact your departmental Erasmus coordinator who will be able to answer all your questions. You can also be able to keep in touch with past Erasmus students – a great way to get all the low-down.

You should be aware of the announcement days to apply for Erasmus+ and you need to follow the steps on the Erasmus+ Online Application System to register and apply properly.

You should read the requirements or alarms that the system is giving to you while you are selecting universities and at the end of your application. You must check before submitting your online application via the information in the system; in which language, which semester, and which courses the institution(s) plan to offer.

After the deadline of Erasmus applications, late applications will not be considered. Applications will be assessed and then, successful applicants will have one week to accept or decline their offer.

After the deadline, your application will be considered by the Erasmus Office in your subject area, which will allocate the places available in your subject area.

Once you have been allocated an Erasmus place, the Erasmus Office will contact your host university to nominate you formally. You must then follow your host university’s instructions and processes for admission.

Be aware that you must meet their deadlines (which vary from institution to institution). Late applications may not be accepted by the host universities.

It is important that you do some research into the courses on offer at your proposed host university/ies. You will receive credit for the courses you complete whilst on exchange so it’s also important to be aware of the credit system used by the host university. While you are doing this, you can get the help of your Departmental Erasmus Coordinator.

Most European institutions award European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits. ECTS is a standard system for comparing the study attainment and performance of students across the European Union and other collaborating European countries.

One academic year of study normally corresponds to 60 ECTS credits (this is usually equivalent to 1500-1800 hours of study in all countries irrespective of standard or qualification type).

If you have queries about the courses you plan to take whilst on exchange, or your academic requirements for Üsküdar University, you should discuss this with the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator in your subject area.



Students who are interested in participating in Erasmus+ Student Mobility apply as specified in the application announcement by the Erasmus+ Coordinatorship before the application periods. Students who want to apply for the program can search and get information about the universities with which their departments have Erasmus agreements. Higher Education Institutions select their students in accordance with the selection criteria determined by the National Agency. These criteria are determined for each academic year and announced by the National Agency.

Students make their applications in the academic year which precedes the academic year they want to go by following the announcements on the Erasmus Office's website and announcements. The deadline for each academic year is indicated in the announcements section on the main page of the website. All applications are evaluated according to the specified criteria and the results are announced on the website.

Who can apply?

  • Must be a full-time active registered student
  • Students who have failed courses from previous years can apply for the Erasmus exchange
  • Successful completion of the first year of the degree program before the Erasmus mobility
  • Minimum 2.20/4.00 GPA for the students in the Associate and Bachelor`s programs
  • Minimum 2.50/4.00 GPA for the students in the Master`s and Ph.D. programs
  • Attending the Erasmus English written and oral exams
  • Delivering in time all the completed application documents to the Erasmus Office

Documents Required for Application:

After completing the online application, the students should upload in time the following requested documents to the online application system.

  • Signing and uploading Online Application Form (can be downloaded when the online application is submitted) 
  • Up-to-date original Transcript of Records (official signature)
  • A Certificate of language proficiency (if available and if needed by the other university)
  • Consent Form (can be downloaded when the online application is submitted) 

Assessment Criteria for Student Mobility for Studies:

  • GPA     %50
  • Erasmus English exam   %50


Students are obliged to obtain a student visa for the country they are going for exchange.

Erasmus Office is not responsible for students who fail to do so. It is among students’ responsibilities to have a valid passport before applying for a visa. Each country has different application procedures and requires different documents. Ask the Consulate for the list of required documents for Erasmus students and also inquire about a residence permit (whether it is needed and where you will get it). Student Visa and residence permit procedures may take very long; students are advised to start their application procedure at least six to eight weeks before the starting date of their exchange semester!

The Erasmus Office will provide the student with the document that the student will need for the visa application; a letter to the consulate which states that the student is taking part in the Erasmus Exchange Program and that the student will receive mobility grants allocated by the National Agency. The student is required to pick up this document from Erasmus Office.


Students must submit all the documents as instructed on this web page before their exchange begins.

Please note that students cannot leave for exchange without submitting these documents, otherwise their exchanges will not be valid.

Students should follow up on all the application procedures of the host institution. Therefore students are requested to check the academic calendar of the host University in advance.

The Grant Agreement

If a student is awarded with mobility grant, the student will receive 80% of the total mobility grant. Students will be paid the remaining 20% of their mobility grants after they return, on the condition that they present all necessary documents and their success in the host institution.

Before leaving Üsküdar University, the student must sign a Grant Agreement, which is completed by the Erasmus Office to accept the responsibilities that come with the grant.

If a student is going to extend the Erasmus period for the second semester, the student should bear in mind that the Erasmus Office cannot guarantee that the second-semester grants will be delivered before the students return because the budget, which is provided by the National Agency, could be lower than the amount needed for all the students applying. For this reason, the students should make all necessary arrangements for their second-term mobility in advance.

If students do not fulfill these responsibilities, the remaining part of their mobility grant may be cut or they may be asked to return the first part of the mobility grant.

Bank Details Form

Students are required to fill in the bank details forms and present them before the start of the exchange period, to receive the Erasmus grant. The grant contribution will be paid in two installments: 80% after the grant agreement has been signed; and the remaining 20% within the end of the exchange period, provided that all documents have been duly delivered. The contribution will be paid by bank transfer.