2021-2022 Academic Year Erasmus + Study Mobility Placement Results

Click on the relevant link for the results of Erasmus + Study Mobility for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.


Important Note 1: Objections to the placement results must be made until March 12, 2021 (Friday), at 17.30 PM.


Important Note 2: According to the Erasmus + Study Mobility placement results, the students, who are chosen for an institution and withdrawn from mobility, must inform the Erasmus office with their official petitions by 09 April 2021. After the date of 09 April 2021, no withdrawal requests will be considered. In addition, -10 points will be applied in the next Erasmus applications of the students.


Important Note 3: The orientation date and time, in which the next steps for winners will be explained in detail, will be announced on our website. Announcement will also be made to candidates’ student emails (name.surname@st.uskudar.edu.tr) and on our instagram account (uskudarerasmus).