Call for Erasmus+ Staff Exchange Application (Academics and Adminitrative)


Erasmus Staff Mobility Program allows the teaching staff or administrative staff working at our university to give lectures at one of our partner universities in Europe with a period of minimum 2 days - maximum 5 days, or for the administrative staff to receive training in any official institution in Europe. Within the framework of the amounts determined by the European Commission, the personnel who are entitled to the program are provided a daily wage according to the country they will go to and a travel grant according to the distance of the city visited.

Staff Mobility Program Types

1. Staff Teaching Mobility (Maximum number of candidates to be selected is 9)

Part or full-time Üsküdar University academics (Prof., Associate Professor, Dr. Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer) will benefit from the Teaching Mobility.

2. Mobility for Staff Training (Maximum number of candidates to be selected is 8)

Full-time administrative staff and research assistants will be able to benefit from the Mobility for Training.


Important dates (please take note):

Application start date: 21 June 2021, Monday

(Updated) Application deadline: 20 August 2021, Friday

(Updated) English exam date for candidates who do not present a language proficiency document: 25 August 2021, Wednesday 


1. Staff Teaching Mobility

Staff teaching mobility It is the field of activity that allows a staff member who is obliged to give lectures at our university to give lectures to students at the partner institution with which the relevant department has a contract and/or to carry out academic/educational activities jointly with the opposite institution. It is not required to be a planned course in the curriculum of the partner institution, it can be organized as a workshop-conference to be organized for the participants, specific to the program. Additional points are provided to the applicant who has made an Erasmus+ agreement with a non-partner institution before participating in the program.

Requirements to join Teaching Mobility

• Being at least a part-time lecturer at Üsküdar University

• Having a bilateral agreement with the host institution (Please click to see the bilateral agreements)

• Having a 'Mobility Agreement for Teaching' signed by both the sender and the host higher education institution (must be signed by the parties and should include the general purpose/objectives, content and expected results of the program to be carried out).

Important Note: In staff teaching mobility, where the certificate of participation shows that the beneficiary has been at the host institution for less than 2 days and/or has taught fewer hours than required, the activity is deemed invalid and no grant payment is made to the beneficiary, and a refund notification is made if payment has been done. There is an obligation to teach at least 8 hours in total and in minimum 2 days, up to 5 days (travel dates excluded).


2.Staff Training Mobility

Staff training mobility is a type of program that allows a staff employed at our University to join a training program in an official institution in one of the program countries. Within the scope of this activity, it is possible for the person to receive various trainings (such as full day training or job shadowing) and to exchange information in order to improve the skills he or she has in the subjects related to his/her current job. Conference participation -other than the 'Training Staff Week' organized in educational institutions- cannot be supported within the scope of the program.

Within the scope of thetraining mobility, it is also possible for the personnel to go to an enterprise to receive training. The institution to go to for training can be any organization that has economic activity and that fits the official business definition. Personnel training is a full-time activity and grants are provided for full-time training (minimum 2, maximum 5 days, excluding travel days). Travel days should be planned apart from the days spent in the host institution.

Requirements to join Staff Training Mobility

1) There are research assistants, managers, experts, assistant experts, assistants, etc. in our university. being an administrative staff in positions

2) There is no requirement for an agreement between the institution to be mobilized and our university in the training activity.

3) Having a 'Mobility Agreement for Training/Mobility Agreement for Training' document accepted by both the sending and host institution (This document showing the work plan must be signed by the parties and should include the general purpose/objectives, content and expected results of the program to be realized.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be entitled to receive a grant after the Mobility, it is necessary to join at least 2 days of training at the host institution. The maximum number of days for grants is limited to 5 mobility days. Travel days should be planned apart from the days spent in the host institution.


2021–2022 Academic Year Staff Applications’ Selection Criteria:

The selection of the persons who will participate in the personnel mobility activity is made by a committee determined by the Rectorate of Istanbul Üsküdar University, taking into account the annual Call for Proposals by the European Union Commission and the priorities determined annually by the National Agency.

Base Point


Language Score


Staff from a department which has never participated in Erasmus Staff Mobility


Disabled staff


Veteran staff and staff whose relatives are either martyr or veteran


Staff who made an agreement with a new HEI for his/her mobility


Previous participation within last two years

(-10) for each mobility

Years of employment at Üsküdar Uni.

Having completed 1 year: +3 points,

2-3 years: +5 point,

4-5 years: +8 points,

6 years or more working years: +10 points.

About language proficiency:

YÖKDİL/YDS is accepted as 70 points out of 100.

If our faculty members do not present a foreign language certificate,

 the Foreign Language Grade: (*Graduating from a program in Turkey where the language of instruction is 100% English (Undergraduate) is evaluated as 70 points out of 100) or English proficiency exam to be orginized by the Foreign Languages Coordinator. After the exam, it is necessary to reach the base score that will be determined separately for the two programs.

Other criteria:

*The points on the main and fill-in lists are listed from the highest to the lowest and evaluation is not based on a departmental quota basis, but a general list.

*Working period in Uskudar University will be considered in the case that applicants have equal points.

** Disabled staff will have priority.

*** Veteran staff and staff whose relatives are either martyr or veteran will have the priority.

According to the article number 21 of the Anti-terrorism Law no. 3713 dated back to 12/4/1991, the spouses and children of the public officials who have become disabled, died or have been killed while performing their duties at home or abroad even their status might have changed will have a priority to take part in Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Activities providing their application as well as the spouses and children of those who have been killed or become disabled by the attacks during the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016 and the terrorist acts and the acts taken place as a continuation of those acts, in accordance with the “KHK” (executive order) number  667 executed on July 23 2016 with the article number 7.

Evaluation Results:

The Evaluation Results will be announced on the 10th of August 2021, in the Main and Reserve List, on the Üsküdar University Main Web page and in the 'announcements' section of In case of an increase in budget opportunities, reserve candidates will also be provided to participate in the mobility with grants. If the winning candidates do not fulfill their responsibilities, their rights pass to the next substitute person with the decision of the election commission appointed by the Rectorate. If it is understood that the mobility cannot be done, this should be reported to our Directorate without delay. Since unused and repaid grants will have a negative impact on the next year's grant distribution results, our University acts with the goal of maximizing the allocated public resources. 

Application Documents

1. Signed application form  

  2 . For teaching mobility:   'Teaching Mobility Agreement' for teaching mobility (Must be signed by the sending institution, the host institution and itself)

  For  tra ining   mobili ty:  'Training Mobility Agreement' (Must be signed by the sending institution, the host institution and applicant)

   3.   Letter of acceptance/ i nvitation  letter/pre-admission letter (must be signed/stamped by the authorized person and on the letterhead of the host institution). Confirmation e-mail from the institutional  add ress  of the host institution will be accepted temporarily.

4. Approved EBYS Permission form (The type of permit must be selected as 'Educational Permit/Eğitim İzni'. The dates on the permit form must match with the invitation letter.

Applicants initialing the permission form for administrative personnel are: Manager, Director, Secretary General and the person to sign should be chosen by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Applicants who initialed the academic staff permission form should be selected respectively: Head of Department, Dean/Manager and the signatory Rector.

5. For Academic Personnel Applications: FTS data should be copied on A4 paper and delivered along with all other documents.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to regarding your questions related with the application.


2021–2022 Academic Year Staff Mobility Grant Amount:

Daily amount of grant which will be given to the staff benefiting from Erasmus Staff Mobility is determined by the National Agency considering mobility period and life standards of the countries. Amounts in the table below are given in Euro and travel costs are not included.






Host Country



Daily financial grant

  1. Group

United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Lihtenştayn, Luxembourg, Norway



153,00 Euros

  1. Group

Germany, Austria, Belgium France, Republic of Cyprus, The Netherlands Spain, IItaly, Malta, Portugal, Greece


136,00 Euros

  1. Group

Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia

119,00 Euros


The highest amount of daily/weekly grant is the calculated amount for total cost of the activities performed by the staff and the partner institution during the teaching programme in scope of Teaching Mobility, the time period in which the staff get training almost full-time at the partner institution in scope of Training Mobility and the days the staff has travelled. This daily/weekly grant amount includes expenses such as accommodation, food, communication, domestic travel and insurance without any additional payment.


  • The staff has to provide proof document for his/her mobility with participation certificate. No funding can be provided for the days on which no activity took place or the days for which there’s no certification of any academic/educational activity in collaboration with the host institution.


Grant Calculation Examples:

(For each case given as example, the approved travel expense will be paid based on fulfillments.)

The highest daily/weekly grant amount of a staff who;

-lectured at least 8 hours in Belgium

-carried out activities for 5 days within Teaching Mobility

Grant funding for 5 days: 136*5= € 680


Travel Expenses:

The amount for travel expenses must be calculated using the distance calculator of the European Commission.

Travel distance                                  Grant  amount

100 – 499 km                                                 € 180

500 – 1999 km                                               € 275

2000 – 2999 km                                            € 360

3000 – 3999 km                                             € 530

4000 – 7999 km                                             € 820

8000 km or more                                          € 1,100

*You cannot receive any additional grant for visa expenses.


Additional funding for staff with disabilities

It is possible to give disabled staff benefiting from Erasmus Programme an additional grant in order to meet their specific needs. The directorate must be informed in case of such situation.


Required Documents after participating to the Program:

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility

Before the mobility

After the mobility

  • Certificate of Participation  to be signed and stamped by host institution’s representative)
  • Documents showing travel dates (passport pages with entry/exit stamps)
  • EU Survey

Erasmus+ Training Mobility

Before the mobility

After the mobility

  • Certificate of Participation (to be signed and stamped by host institution’s representative)
  • Documents showing travel dates (passport pages with entry/exit stamps)
  • EU Survey