(UPDATED) 2024 - 2025 Academic Year Study Mobility Application Results (2023-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000138215)

Dear Students,

As a result of the zero grant participation and withdrawal petitions, 2024-2025 Academic Year Erasmus+ Study Mobility (2023-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000138215) application results have been concluded. Please click here for the result list.

Please click here for the Erasmus+ Withdrawal Petition for selected students who want to withdraw their right.

* The applications are evaluated in accordance with the criteria set by the Turkish National Agency and the equality and transparency principles.
* The ranking is based on faculties and the quotas are based on the Inter-Institutional Agreements.
* You can find your score details in the result list.
* The date and time of the informative meetings for the selected students will be announced later on our website.
* Students who participate in the mobility in the Fall semester and want to extend it to the Spring semester should inform the Erasmus office before the end of the Fall semester.
* The date by which all mobility must be completed is 31 July 2025.
* Students who are awarded a grant will be awarded a grant for a total of 4 months.

After 10 May 2024, -10 points will be applied in the next applications of students who submit a withdrawal petition.

- For the applications of students with "1" in their Erasmus Score, plus points were applied within the scope of the criteria specified in the announcement (disability, being a relative of a martyr veteran, being under the protection of the government, etc.) and the earthquake disaster application taken by the National Agency.
- For students with "2" in their Erasmus Score, -10 points were applied to their applications because they had previously participated in the Program or applied for two mobility types in the same project period.
- For students with "3" in their Erasmus Score were applied -5 points because they declared that they would take the language exam and did not take it without an excuse.

Best regards,
Üsküdar University Erasmus Office